School Site Council

The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) identifies and addresses the instructional needs of students and specifies how categorical funds provided through the Consolidated Application will be used to accomplish the goals outlined in the plan. Check here to view Hickman's SPSA.

State guidelines require that the SPSA must:

  • Identify site-specific achievement goals based on a variety of student performance data.
  • Describe specific instructional strategies to accelerate student learning.
  • Describe the ways in which student progress will be monitored on a regular basis.
  • Identify interventions for students not achieving.
  • Determine the necessary professional development for staff.
  • Delineate strategies for parent communication and engagement.
  • Reflect estimated costs and funding sources.
  • Involve consultation with other site advisory groups.

State regulations require that the School Site Council (SSC) be the group responsible for developing and revising the SPSA in collaboration with the site instructional leadership team. Ongoing consultation with site advisory groups about student performance data, student needs, identified goals, appropriate interventions/preventions, and associated budgets is an integral part of the development and monitoring of the SPSA. (Ed Code 64001)

This ongoing involvement of the SSC in the review of the SPSA is a critical element of the annual planning cycle and should be reflected in meeting agendas and minutes. Documentation of SSC development, revision, monitoring, and evaluation of the SPSA must be maintained at each school in the SSC Notebook. All documentation must be maintained for seven years, plus the current school year.


Marlon Austria

Sharon Clark 

Dominique Fite

Aimee Herron

Patty Kotnik

Christi Martelli

Myra San Miguel

Nina Sutherland

Marilyn Tilos Thatcher

 Erica Valencia


Scheduled Meeting Dates 

September 26, 2022 at 2:00 pm

October 20, 2022 at 1:00 pm

November 17, 2022 at 1:00 pm

January 19, 2023 at 1:00 pm

February 16, 2023 at 1:00 pm

March 16, 2023 at 1:00 pm

April 20, 2022 at 1:00 pm

May 18, 2022 at 1:00 pm

Zoom Link:


SSC Bylaws

Mission Statement

The mission of Hickman Elementary School ("Hickman") is to provide a balanced curriculum promoting academic excellence through high quality instruction. We believe teamwork and collaboration are key elements of a successful school. Sharing the responsibility of education among school personnel, students, parents and other community members is essential in order to maximize student achievement. Working together as a community of learners provides a framework of support encouraging our students to think globally as they become responsible, productive life-long learners.


The overall purpose of the School Site Council ("SSC") is to determine how best to educate Hickman students. Since accountability for student performance is a shared responsibility, the Hickman SSC shall provide a structured opportunity for parents, students, teachers, certificated support staff, administrators, classified employees and community members to meet in a collaborative manner to make decisions through consensus that affect the school.

Article I

Duties of School Site Council

  1. Ensure that the SSC is composed of equal numbers of staff and parents/community members.

  2. Develop and approve the Single Site Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), which is designed to improve the effectiveness of the school program by addressing the academic needs of the students.

  3. Approve funds for the School Improvement Program through the SPSA and develop a budget reflective and supportive of the school plan.

  4. Annually participate in the monitoring and evaluation of the SPSA, and make modification to the plan to reflect changing needs and priorities.

  5. Recommend the approval of the Single Site Plan for Student Achievement to the Board of Education.

  6. Carry out all other duties assigned to the council by the district governing board and by state law.

Article II

Section A: School Site Council Membership Composition

The school council shall be composed of at least 10 members, selected by their peers, as follows:

  • 50% school personnel to include: classroom teachers, classified staff, and principal or vice principal
  • 50% parents or community members
  • The site principal or vice principal shall be an ex officio member of the SSC
  • Parents must have a child currently enrolled in the school.
  • Parents/community members may not be employed at the school site.

Section B: Election of Members

  • The school principal will be a standing member of the council.
  • Certificated staff elections will be held in September. The certificated membership will be elected into rotational positions for two years. Nominations and elections will be led by the certificated membership.
  • Other staff elections will be held in September. The other membership will be elected into rotational positions for two years. Nominations and elections will be led by the other membership.
  • Nominations for parent representatives will be taken between May 1 and the end of September. The ballot will be sent home with every student. If there are fewer nominations received than positions vacant, the nominees will automatically be accepted as representatives. Vacancies other than normal term expirations will be replaced with the alternate parent SSC member. Representatives are limited to serving two full consecutive terms.

Section C: Terms of Office

The term of office for teacher, parent, classified and community members shall be two (2) years. At the first regular meeting of the council, each member's current term of office shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Members of SSC may run for consecutive terms

Section D: Voting and Voting Eligibility

Each member of the council is entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on any matter submitted to a vote of the council. Absentee ballots shall not be permitted. Consensus will be reached with a simple majority of members present as long as there is a quorum (See Article V, Section C).

Section E: Termination of Membership

Any elected member may terminate his or her membership by submitting a written letter of resignation to the council chairperson.

Section F: Vacancy

Any vacancy on the council occurring during the term of a duly elected member shall be filled by appointment of the council for the period of time until the next regular election.

Article III

Section A: Officers

The officers of the council shall be a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and other officers the council may deem desirable.

The chairperson shall:

Preside at all meetings of the council

Sign all letters, reports, and other communications of the council

Perform all duties incident to the office of the chairperson

Have other such duties as are prescribed by the council

The vice-chairperson shall:

Represent the chairperson in assigned duties

Substitute for the chairperson in his/her absence

The secretary shall:

Keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the council

Transmit true and correct copies of the minutes of such meetings to members of the council

Keep a register of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each member of the council

Perform other such duties as assigned by the chairperson or the council

Section B: Election and Terms of Office

The officers shall be elected for a two-year period, at the last regular meeting of the prior school year.

Section C: Removal of Officers

Any officer may be removed from their office by a two-thirds vote of all council members.

Section D: Vacancy

A vacancy in any office shall be filled at the earliest opportunity by a special election of the council for the remaining portion of the term of office.

Article IV


The council may establish and abolish sub-committees of their own membership to perform duties as shall be prescribed by the council. At least one member representing teachers and one member representing parents shall make up the sub-committee. No sub-committee may exercise the authority of the council.

Article V

Section A: Meetings

The council shall meet regularly on the 2nd or 3rd Thursday of the month; no less than eight times per year; at a facility provided by the school. The first meeting is to be held prior to October 31st. Special meetings of the council may be called by majority vote of the council. All meetings are open to the public.

Section B: Written Notice of Meetings

Written public notice shall be given of all meetings at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Changes in the established date, time, or location shall be given special notice. All meetings shall be publicized through the following venues: School website, emails to all school employees and parent members, and agendas posted on the school bulletin board.

Section C: Quorum

The act of the majority of the members present shall be the act of the council, provided a quorum is in attendance. A majority of members of the council (51% or greater) shall constitute a quorum.

Section D: Conduct of Meetings

Meetings of the council shall be conducted in accordance with District guidelines.

Article VI


An amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular meeting of the council by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Written notice of the proposed amendment must be submitted to council members at least three days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered for adoption.

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